We are very excited to announce that the next summer conference will take place in Manchester on 24-27th September 2025.
For the first time, we would like to introduce the possibility for student and junior doctor poster presentations during our conference, and are thus pleased to announce a call for abstracts for the upcoming Anglo-French Medical Society Summer Conference.
The international conference is aimed at healthcare professionals from both countries who wish to network with colleagues or improve their proficiency in medical French. Poster presentations will take place during the Thursday of the conference and successful submissions will be requested to pay for their spot on the conference in order to confirm their presentation slot. A new single-day rate is to be introduced to allow for students and juniors to attend on this Thursday (Nb. individuals are also welcome to choose the full 4 day conference rate). This single day will be charged at £70 for students (and members) and £80 for everyone else.
Submission Guidelines: We invite abstracts on any medical subject. All submissions must contain both English and French elements, but each submission can take free creative license to combine these languages in the way which they see fit.
Examples of language specific topics (list non-exhaustive):
- Mastering medical French vocabulary and terminology
- Improving patient-provider communication in French
- Case studies involving bilingual healthcare practice
- Cultural sensitivity in French-speaking medical environments
- Common challenges in French medical documentation and how to address them
Submission Details:
- Abstract Length: 200-250 words
- Language: French and English
- Submissions open on: 01/11/2024
- Submission Deadline: 01/07/2025
Please send your abstract submissions to our junior doctor representative, Aimée Lawton (aimeelawton@anglofrenchmedical.com) after the submission opening date, with the subject line “Medical French Conference Abstract Submission.”
Please make sure that the abstract is attached as a PDF and your name is clearly marked on the document alongside your preferred contact address. Within the email, we invite you to include a maximum of 50 words explaining your poster design idea and how you hope to combine English and French elements. If this is evident in your abstract, this is not a requirement.
We look forward to your contributions and to fostering an enriching exchange of knowledge in the growing field of medical French!
For further inquiries, please contact Aimée, she will be more than happy to help