The Anglo-French Medical Society is a professional organisation fostering interaction between UK and French doctors and medical students.
Our sister organisation in France is the Association Médicale Franco-Britannique.
The organisations aim to exchange medical views and opinions as well as improving knowledge of French and English in a friendly and professional setting.The AFMS is a convivial and informal society where everyone is welcome, regardless of the standard of their spoken French.
Join us at conference or for the Medical French Weekend course!
Get involved… ça vaut le coup!!
AFMS Network
The AFMS Network of students, teachers, and doctors
This Network aims to create and foster links between students and teachers, seniors and juniors, French and British. Whether that be through improving French abilities, enabling connections, or encouraging networking, there is something for everybody within the AFMS Network.
Annual Conference
Our biggest event
The Society has one main meeting annually which is held jointly with the Association Médicale Franco-Britannique. The annual conference is always held in an area of cultural and gastronomic interest. This allows for a full and fun social programme to complement our scientific programme which usually features local speakers from the area of interest.
Chamonix Winter Meeting
A weekend for skiing
This picturesque location offers a packed and interesting scientific programme just a few minutes from the ski slopes. This is a popular meeting among members and is always a highlight of the winter season.
To promote the relief of suffering from disease or disability by bringing together members of the medical profession from Britain and France; For the exchange of knowledge and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of disease, and the education of members of the medical and other health care professions, or of the general public, in the means of such diagnosis and treatment.
AFMS Committee
Dr Colin Mumford | President |
Dr Izhar Khan | Treasurer |
Dr Tim Rielly | Secretary |
Dr Zara Bieler | Medical French Course Organiser |
Dr Clara Farque | Website Development |
Dr James McDonald | Webmaster / President Elect |
Dr Jackie Emery | Membership Secretary |
Dr Aimée Lawton | Junior Doctor Representative |
Dr Jackie Emery | Membership Secretary |
Dr Mark Cottrill | Co-opted Member |
Dr Nick McCarthy | Co-opted Member |
Dr Julia Bache | Co-opted Member |
Dr Andrew Hassan | Immediate Past President |
Mr Tony Ridge | Administrative Secretary |
Mr Marvin Duenger | AFMS Student Rep |