Medical French Course Gallery

Margaret's talk

Margaret’s talk

Alisa Angharad en bleu, blanc, rouge

Alisa Angharad en bleu, blanc, rouge





La Capitaine Funmi

La Capitaine Funmi

Harriet célèbre l'arrivée du printemps

Harriet célèbre l’arrivée du printemps

Grand sourire John

Grand sourire John

Ahmad joue aussi

Ahmad joue aussi

Gareth, Arunkumar, Nia, Aurore, Brice, Zara, Mireille

Gareth, Arunkumar, Nia, Aurore, Brice, Zara, Mireille

Va y Aurore

Va y Aurore

23rd Medical French Weekend Course at Warwick University, 27-29th March 2015

23rd Medical French Weekend Course at Warwick University, 27-29th March 2015

Ca va pas Teo?

Ca va pas Teo?

le pause café animé.

le pause café animé.



Pas moi S.V.P!

Pas moi S.V.P!

Arunkumar fait un tour

Arunkumar fait un tour

Nia et Arunkumar.  Le duo magique.

Nia et Arunkumar. Le duo magique.

Comment ca s'appelle encore?

Comment ca s’appelle encore?

Zara's organising the fun.

Zara’s organising the fun.

Coude?  Non, cOUde!!

Coude? Non, cOUde!!

Anatomie avec Una

Anatomie avec Una

IMG_0734 IMG_0733 IMG_0732 IMG_0731 IMG_0730 IMG_0729 IMG_0725 IMG_0723 IMG_0722

Nia teaches

Nia teaches


Seulement français SVP

tutors 2013

2014 Delegates

2014 Delegates


Tara “wins” the hat

The hat is back

The hat is back

A tutorial

A tutorial

Check in with Zara

Check in with Zara


Tutors 2012


Delegates 2012


Sunny teaching with Elena


Il fait beau!!


Chats with tutors


Conversations continue


Open air Locomotor system teaching


We are working hard!

Cross Channel O+G with Brice

Cross Channel O+G with Brice

Smiles all round

Smiles all round

Fun with French

Fun with French

Gareth tries hat for size

Gareth tries hat for size

Margaret takes her turn

Margaret takes her turn

Zara and Margaret

Zara and Margaret

Elena teaching

Elena teaching

Hat trick

Hat trick

2014 Delegates

2014 Delegates

Tutors 2014

Tutors 2014

Who is next?

Who is next?

Cathal wins the Hat

Cathal wins the Hat

Hat fun at lunch

Hat fun at lunch