Online Medical French Course

We are now Sold Out!

We are delighted to be able to launch an online version of the Medical French Course on Saturday 15th of May 2021. This course is designed to give you a foundation in Medical French. Delivered over the course of one day, our experienced tutors will take you through the vocabulary, communication skills and consultation tools that will help you start a conversation with a French-speaking patient in three distinct sessions: Respiratory Medicine, Paediatrics and Musculoskeletal Medicine. Whether you are planning an elective, hoping to work in France or just wanting to revisit some rusty school-French, this course is a perfect introduction for you! 

Each session will start with a presentation from one of our tutors to cover the main vocabulary and key questions. Afterwards delegates will engage in small group conversations with other delegates and a tutor before coming back to the main session for a debrief.



Main sessions

The course will consist of three main sessions covering the topics of Paediatrics, MSK and Respiratory Medicine. Each session will follow the same format and it is anticipated that general medical vocabulary will be included in the main sessions.

Each session will consist of an online lecture, delivering key vocabulary and phrases which are useful to get you started in history taking or handing over to a colleague, followed by group discussions and then a debrief.

The initial lecture will be around 45 minutes in length. Slides will be available after the course for home study / future reference.

Delegates will then be split into a number of small groups for role play and practice. Each small group will consist of a small number of course delegates (estimated 4-6 students) with a similar level of spoken French and a professional medical french tutor. We hope to cover a number of activities in these small group sessions to get you using the vocabulary and give you confidence in dealing with Francophone patients. These small group discussions will last for around 30 minutes.

After the small group sessions we will reconvene and debrief the main points for the session and answer any questions.

Course Handbook

Our AFMS Medical French Course Handbook will be made available electronically to delegates for a four week window surrounding the course. This is for home study and will be useful in furnishing delegates with a useful vocabulary and phrases which will help them get the most from the course.

Attendance Certificates

Delegates will receive an attendance certificate after the course when they have submitted feedback. These will be electronic.


08:45 – 09:00Registration & Welcome
09:00 – 10:30Respiratory Medicine
10:30-10:45Morning Break
10:45 – 12:15Paediatrics
13:00 – 14:30MSK
14:30-15:00Q+A and Close

What will I need?

The course will be online. Participants will need a Google Account in order to get full functionality from the course. We cannot assign delegates into small groups / breakout rooms without a Google Account and therefore this is necessary for registration. Prospective delegates without a Google Account / Gmail email address can sign up for one here (free).

You will also need a webcam, speakers and microphone to take part in the virtual meeting. You can test your equipment by starting a test meeting at

We suggest joining the meeting from a Desktop computer, using Google Chrome. Any modern browser will support Google Meets however Chrome gives users extra functionality.

Delegates wishing to join from a mobile device can download the Google Meets app from the Google Play store / Apple App store. Again, we recommend accessing the meetings using a desktop and the Chrome browser for full functionality.


Registration will open shortly. Please use the form below to register your interest in the meantime.

Medical Student£30


Registration is now closed as we’ve reached the maximum number of delegates on the course. Why not consider signing up for our 2022 in-person course in Lille?