Visiting Lecturer Programme
Did you know that all French Medical schools MUST offer English teaching to students and students must attend. AFMS has been working with certain french Medical schools to help with this teaching. Read on.
Thank you to all AFMS members who have expressed interest in the teaching initiative, and facilitating membership exchange.
Since the Biarritz conference, we have received interest from several universities (Paris V, Paris 11, Paris 12, Caen) who are currently independently introducing medical English teaching into their programmes and are working with them to co-ordinate their requirements within the limited budgets available. We envisage this will result in a more co-ordinated programme for the 2014-2015 academic year, and hopefully increased French student /doctor attendance at future conferences. In addition, the teaching partnerships which have already been established at University Angers (Colin Mumford) and Paris V (John Altrip and Rex Melville) are continuing. On February 4th and 5th John Altrip, Disha Midha and Caroline Van Tran delivered a 2 day intensive medical English workshop (lectures, role plays) to a diverse mixture of healthcare professionals (dermatology, cardiology, GP, physiotherapy, pharmacy, academic researchers, rheumatology,haematology, psychiatry, orthopaedics, statisticians) at Paris-Est Cretail. In addition, we also publicised the AFMS and AFMB, and the Durham conference. Some of these healthcare professionals are now interested in making contact with English peers, with a view to jointly presenting at conference (eg training pathways and practicing as an English/French cardiologist/pharmacist/dermatologist etc). Separately a French cardiology consultant is also interested to work in the NHS (preferably London or Birmingham) for one year or more, so please contact me if you can facilitate.
John Altrip